America Channel Announces Comprehensive Distribution Agreement with Comcast
Story Highlights
Channel announced that it has signed an affiliation agreement with Comcast for
digital carriage of its new channel in 26 markets. America Channel will
announce its launch plans in early 2008.
in 2008, America Channel will deliver sports events from 19 NCAA Division I
Conferences representing 172 universities. More than half of all NCAA Division
I universities will be featured, including hundreds of football and basketball
games, as well as extensive additional sports and conference tournaments.
Thirty-four of the teams that participated in last year’s Men’s and Women’s
NCAA Division I Basketball Tournament will have a total of over 100 regular
season appearances on America Channel next season.
Channel expects that it will be added to Comcast’s digital cable lineup in the
following markets: Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale,
Jacksonville, Nashville, Chattanooga, Little Rock, Columbia, Savannah, Monroe,
Baltimore, Washington, DC, Roanoke/Lynchburg, Philadelphia, Wilkes
Barre/Scranton, New York, Boston, Hartford/New Haven, Providence, Burlington
(Vt.), San Francisco,
Portland, Salt
City, and
Channel’s planned regional services are: AC New England, AC Northeast, AC
Mid-Atlantic, AC Midwest, AC Mountain, AC South and AC West. America Channel will
also feature SportsLife– campus-generated sports and lifestyle content jointly
developed with America Channel’s University partners. The 19 NCAA Division I
Conference partners and their
universities and colleges also will have the opportunity for joint marketing
with America Channel.
“We are
pleased to announce this agreement with Comcast,” stated Doron Gorshein,
CEO of America Channel. “We look forward to providing the America Channel
to Comcast’s digital cable subscribers.”