Alan Bunting joins QuStream as Director of Sales, EMEA
Story Highlights
QuStream Corporation has appointed Alan Bunting as Director
of Sales,
Europe, Middle East & Africa.
Based in
Cambridge, England, he reports to Karlton
Burn, QuStream Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing.
Educated at
College and Cambridge
College of Technology (Radio & Television Servicing and Digital Design
& Developments), Alan Bunting joined Wards Communications in 1972,
advancing to Service & Systems Engineer and later to Sales Engineer. He
progressed in 1981 to Teletape Video as Technical Sales Manager and in 1985
joined CEL Electronics as Sales & Marketing Manager. He was head-hunted by
AVS Broadcast in 1990, serving as Sales Director. In 1992 he was appointed
Managing Director of Lee Communications where he formulated the company’s
design, development, manufacturing and marketing policy for its range of
optical and radio transmission links. Since 1998 he has provided sales and
marketing consultancy to Wohler Technologies, IMP Electronics, Hitachi Denshi,
Atlantic Digital and V-Livemedia.
“Alan is a highly experienced sales and marketing professional with a
detailed understanding of the digital video and optical communications
business,” comments Karlton Burn. “He was a good colleague at CEL,
with extensive knowledge of operating and managing distribution channels.”
“QuStream’s routers, signal processors and optical communication products
enjoy a high reputation in the
Asia for reliability, ease of operation
and innovative design,” adds Alan Bunting. “I look forward to
extending QuStream’s presence in the EMEA regions, supporting existing
customers and helping promote sales to a wider range of clients in and beyond
the broadcast sector.”