Gannett Broadcasting adopts Chyron AXIS graphics
Story Highlights
Gannett Broadcasting has made a multi-year commitment to
Chyron’s AXIS web-based content creation services across all 23 Gannett owned
TV Stations. This adoption revolutionizes the way the Gannett TV Stations create,
manage, share and broadcast news graphics across their 23 news stations.
“The AXIS approach promises to be a game-changer that potentially redefines the
use of graphics. Their server based model is designed to allow us to create
more graphics, at a higher median quality, and at a lower cost. That
would be a triple win,” explained David Lougee, President, Gannett Broadcasting
Group. He added, “While AXIS will facilitate the easy creation of daily
breaking news graphics, maps and charts, more complex customized work will be
handled by the newly formed Gannett Graphics Group, or G3, which will provide
assistance to local TV stations, providing a range of design options to enhance
the real-time data provided within the AXIS creation process. These are challenging
times for broadcasters and we must continually search for new efficiencies
without sacrificing quality. The combining of AXIS services with our G3
capability aims us straight toward significant quality and efficiency gains
across the entire Broadcasting Group.”
As Michael Wellesley-Wesley, Chyron President and CEO explained, “AXIS is superior to traditional graphics content creation
workflow models because it removes the mundane, repetitive, factory–like
aspects of everyday graphics creation from the shoulders of highly skilled
graphics artists and designers thereby freeing them to concentrate on more
creative aspects of design and branding. By using image databases inside
the AXIS system, the elapsed time from creation to putting a graphic On-Air is
drastically reduced and productivity greatly enhanced. AXIS tools are so
intuitive they can be used by anyone from production assistants to News
Directors, making graphics output far more efficient and with the added benefit
of journalists and News Directors retaining direct control of content.”