Integrated Daktronics Display System To Spice Up the Cajundome
Story Highlights
Daktronics has been chosen to design, manufacture, and install a fully
integrated scoring and video display system for the Cajundome in Lafayette,
LA, home of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette men’s and women’s
basketball teams.
A center-hung scoring system will become the new heart of the
Cajundome, pumping information and video entertainment to every seat in the
Four Daktronics light-emitting diode (LED) video displays will
highlight the new system, with each measuring approximately 8 feet high by 16
feet wide.
A smaller LED display measuring approximately 5 feet high by 7
feet wide and an indoor LED scoreboard will also be positioned on each face of
the center-hung system. A Daktronics LED video-display ring will be installed
toward the bottom of the Cajundome’s new digital chandelier, keeping every
patron informed and entertained.
“Working with Daktronics has been very smooth,” says Greg Davis,
Cajundome director. “Their prompt responses to questions, concerns and issues
have created a great relationship between us. We’ve had Daktronics products in
the building for 23 years, and their performance keeps us coming back.”
The Cajundome will also be receiving four new LED basketball
scoreboards, complete with 13-inch-tall scoring digits. Overall, the new center-hung
system will measure approximately 21 feet high, 33 feet wide, and 33 feet deep.
Two Daktronics LED displays capable of showing statistical
information, advertising, and crowd entertainment will be installed on the
fascias on either side of the Cajundome, with each measuring more than 100 feet
wide. Four video marquee displays measuring approximately 10 feet high by 19 feet
wide will complete the integrated display system to be installed in
Daktronics will also provide the Cajundome with integrated video-production equipment, including cameras, switchers, and playback computers.
Keyframe Creative Services, a video-production division of Daktronics, will be
providing a graphics and animation package for the new displays.