TNA Wrestling Facility Pins Down Audio Issues With Genelec
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TNA Wrestling has just opened its new audio, video and graphics post production facility. Located in Nashville’s Cummins Station building, which has become a magnet for high-tech and creative entrepreneurial enterprises, TNAtv will house all of TNA Wrestling’s pre- and post-production, including U.S. and international programming, DVDs, TNA Today, on-air graphics and commercials.
The new facility will also be one of the largest high-definition facilities in Nashville, featuring four Avid Symphony Nitris DX edit suites and one Final Cut Pro HD suite, in addition to a 5.1 Pro Tools HD surround audio mixing suite. And each of these technologically advanced audio and video spaces will have one crucial thing in common: all are equipped with active monitoring by Genelec, the ultimate name in high-definition audio.
All of the audio, video and graphics technology used in the new TNAtv facility was sold through Marshall Graphics Systems, and those technologies were integrated by Media Broadcast Integration and Technical Services (M/BITS). Both companies are also located in Nashville.
The new TNAtv facility came about from TNA Wrestling’s decision to bring its previously outsourced post-production work in-house. The need for high definition audio, video and graphics stemmed from high-definition specifications for future programming from broadcaster Spike TV, which telecasts TNA’s productions in the U.S.
The facility’s Pro Tools-equipped surround mixing studio has five Genelec 8040A Active Monitors, comprising the LCR and surround arrays, as well as a Genelec 7060B Active Subwoofer. The facility has a total of five HD video editing suites, four are equipped with Avid Symphony Nitris DX edit systems and each has a pair of Genelec 8030A speakers for stereo monitoring. One video editing suite equipped with an Apple Final Cut Pro system has a pair of Genelec 8020A speakers. In addition, the facility’s two new graphics suites, equipped with Final Cut Studio2, utilize Genelec 8020A Active Monitors.
Marshall Graphics Systems and M/BITS collaborated closely on various design aspects of this complex new facility, which took over six months to construct and equip. When it came to choosing monitoring for TNAtv, they agreed on Genelec.
“Considering the caliber of technology used here and the fact that it is high-definition from end to end, it needed monitoring that was commensurate with that degree of operation,” explains Ray Comfort, Manager of Systems Integration and Technical Operations for M/BITS. “That dictated the quality that the monitoring had to achieve, and only Genelecs could touch that.”
Kurt Howell, General Manager of Marshall Graphics Systems’ Pro Audio Division, added, “By using Genelecs, the facility is assured of consistently good sound from suite to suite, room to room. They are simply great monitors.” Prior to joining Marshall Graphics Systems, Kurt was the Product Specialist for the Southeast Division for Digidesign, manufacturer of Pro Tools.
J. Seeman, Audio Producer at TNAtv, cites the monitors’ clarity that enables him to identify any minute problem area, such as a room noise in the background of a scene.
“If the monitors don’t let you pick it out, you’ll never know where a specific problem is coming from, and you’ll never be able to get rid of it,” he explains. “On the Genelecs, you can hear everything.” Coincidentally, Seeman used to work at Digital Audio Post, the facility in Nashville where TNA Wrestling had done its post-production work before opening its own studios, and where he had also done their work on Genelec monitors. As a result, he says, “Everything sounds exactly the way I expect it to, and that’s great.”