LightViper Adds ‘Glass’ to TPC Sawgrass Event on NBC
Story Highlights
For the TPC Sawgrass PGA tournament event held at The
Players Stadium Course in Ponte Vedra
Beach, Florida last
weekend, Total RF supplied LightViper Series 32 Systems throughout the course
for the first time. The event was broadcast on NBC.
“This was the first time LightViper systems were used to
transport most of the audio on the golf course rather than the ‘beehives’ we
previously used,” explains Chris “Ziggy” Schwartzer, EIC/golf manager for Total
RF. “We put the eight VIS-1832 units in Hardigg cases to waterproof them.
Obviously a golf course can be a challenging environment for electronics, given
the fact that weather, sprinkler systems and wildlife can wreak havoc.”
VIS-1832 units were located at greens 1, 2, 6, 8, 13, 17,
and 18, as well as RF crane No. 2. The 12-strand single mode fiber was run
around the course and back to the NBC compound, terminating at Total RF’s
trailer. The fiber was then jumped over to the NBCX EFX mixer, where the eight
corresponding VIM-1832 units were housed.
“The longest run of fiber was about 9,000 feet, and the
glass is deployed and picked up by golf cart,” Schwartzer says.
“The LightViper systems gave us more flexibility with less
overall devices used, which provided us with big time savings in set-up and
troubleshooting,” says Lawrence
“LJ” Cirills Jr., effects mixer for NBC. :The audio quality was superior due to
having almost no noise floor. At the famous 17th hole, we used many more mics
and had to provide a feed for live radio. The 32 channels and 8 returns were
essential. We would never have been able to achieve this without the LightViper
units. The field A2’s love them; they are simple to use and they just plain
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