NVIDIA Quadro Unleashes Hi-Res Real-Time Video Editing in Adobe Creative Suite 5
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NVIDIA Quadro professional graphics products, Adobe-certified for Adobe Creative Suite 5 software, enhance the real-time video-editing and effects-processing capabilities of Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, INVIDIA announced in Las Vegas.
This version of Adobe Premiere Pro leverages the parallel-processing architecture of NVIDIA GPUs to allow film and video professionals to create compelling, multilayer projects with a virtually limitless number of HD or higher-resolution video clips, apply sophisticated visual effects and color correction, and view the output instantly.
NVIDIA Quadro solutions enhance productivity by eliminating the wait for preview renders any time a change is made and enable projects to be viewed at full resolution without frame skipping.
“When you add NVIDIA GPU acceleration to Adobe Premiere Pro CS5,” said Matt Silverman, creative director/partner at San Francisco-based Bonfire and Phoenix Editorial, “the performance gains and time savings are enormous. I can stack more layers and effects without affecting real-time playback.”
A cost-effective Quadro-based workstation with Adobe video software enables film and video professionals to achieve the performance and creative freedom previously reserved for dedicated edit-suite systems costing upwards of $100,000, according to NVIDIA.
“With Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and the Adobe Mercury Playback Engine, we are redefining the nonlinear-editing workflow with industry-leading performance acceleration that will deliver big productivity gains for our users,” said Simon Hayhurst, senior director, product management for Adobe’s Digital Video and Audio Group.
Said Andrew Cresci, GM, vertical market solutions, for NVIDIA, “With Adobe software running on NVIDIA GPUs, productivity increases, creativity is unconstrained, and creative professionals win.”
Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium, which includes Adobe Photoshop Extended and Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere Pro, with the new Adobe Mercury Playback Engine that taps into the parallel-processing capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs, are fully supported by a range of NVIDIA Quadro professional graphics solutions. The Quadro products certified by Adobe for professional use are the FX 5800, FX 4800, FX 4800 for Mac, FX 3800, and CX.