Litepanels Sheds Some Light on Climate Change in New Cycling Documentary
Story Highlights
Litepanels’ MicroPro LED was the light of choice for deepei film productions documentary “Going South – Cycling through the Americas”, which followed four cyclists as they rode south through the two American continents to shed light on the issue of global climate change.
On their way from the northernmost point of Canada to the southernmost tip of Argentina the four cyclists visited both businesses and private households to report on their efforts toward sustainability. Since the distance the cyclists would ride amounted to almost 16,781 miles, they had to travel light. They mounted the Litepanels MicroPro on their camcorders. Compact and lightweight, MicroPro uses minimum space and is unobtrusive. “It is so easy to take the Litepanels fixture everywhere, because it hardly weighs anything”, says cameraman and managing director Milan Collin.
“One of the measures to protect the climate, an environment-friendly water filter, was presented to us in a small, dark house without electricity. We had no generator with us. However, thanks to the Litepanels, we were excellently equipped for this film location and we did not need any external electricity because the MicroPro is operated by 6 AA cells. Therefore, we were able to use the fixture for direct light which made it quick and easy to perfectly illuminate the faces and to emphasize details.” The Litepanels technology produces soft, wrap-around illumination, and offers dimming from 100 percent to 0, which makes it easy to customize output according to the need.
The Litepanels MicroPro is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. Due to its low energy consumption it runs cool and produces barely any heat. “With Litepanels it is much easier to work under extraordinary and difficult conditions. This allows the team to completely concentrate on shooting without wasting any thoughts on technical equipment,” says Colin.