Seeing Flat Panel LCD Burn-in…Finally

I was at a sports bar watching the NCAA Men’s Basketball Finals. I took my seat during a commercial break, looked at the flat panel screen TV and wondered why the ESPN bug looked strange…sort of like a bad transparent GIF image. When the game returned, I realized that the game was on CBS and that the ESPN bug was burned in on all of the bar’s flat panel screens.
I wondered if the LG flat panels were plasma (which are very susceptible to burn-in). I spoke to the bar manager. They used to have plasmas, but they burned in too quickly (these are on 24/7 in a Las Vegas sports bar). These were LCDs. I knew that LCDs could get burn-in, but I had never seen it until now.
The interesting thing was that the LCD burn-in was in ESPN’s red logo complementary color, green. Makes me miss CRTs.


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