Immersion Media Enhances Fan Experience At IndyCarCom
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INDYCAR announced that Immersion Media, the multimedia group specializing in 3D animation, HD video and web and mobile experiences, has been brought on board to develop special features for INDYCAR’s official website,
The multi-year relationship will allow INDYCAR and Immersion to invest in content and explore new opportunities throughout its term.
“We’re looking forwarding to Immersion Media using their expertise to engage and educate our online fans,” said Greg Gruning, executive vice president of business strategy for INDYCAR. “Their features are very entertaining and informative and I consider them a valuable addition to our sites.”
In addition to developing INDYCAR’s Fantasy Racing program, Immersion Media will enhance INDYCAR’s online fan experience with virtual laps of each race track which will be posted on the corresponding IZOD IndyCar Series’ event page.
The team will also produce INDYCAR 101 videos that will be posted on INDYCAR’s YouTube Channel ( and on INDYCAR Mobile.
“The sport of open-wheel racing gives Immersion a great opportunity to showcase the skills that make us experts in the 3D and HD realms,” said Rick Perko, president of Immersion Media. “We’re a small outfit in numbers, but are more than able and excited about creating innovative and engaging content for INDYCAR. We love its passion and its leadership and expect a great ride with them.”