Soviet Union’s Forgotten 3D Films
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Films, from 1940s, are of astonishing technical quality and sophistication reports that as 3D cinema enjoys a revival with Hollywood blockbusters, an unexpected retrospective in Moscow reveals the Soviet Union began entertaining its citizens with homegrown 3D films as early as the 1940s.
The films may lack the exotic plots of Hollywood 3D films such as James Cameron’s 2009 Avatar and Ridley Scott’s current release Prometheus but are of astonishing technical quality and sophistication.
In a colour film called In the Avenues of the Park, a young woman in a print dress stretches her hand holding a rose towards the viewer, while young men in baggy trousers stroll and schoolboys in caps run about.
The crystal-clear film shows Moscow’s Gorky Park in 1952, a year before Stalin died, yet the 3D technology similar to that now filling multiplexes makes it feel eerily current.
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