MultiDyne To Display Fiber-Optic-Based Video and Audio Transport Portfolio at CCW
Story Highlights
At CCW 2012, MultiDyne will showcase a comprehensive range of innovative, fiber-optic-based video and audio transport solutions designed specifically for pro A/V and broadcast applications. New to the show are 12- and 18-channel versions of both MultiDyne’s HD-6000/HD-6000-ONE CWDM multiplexer and FS-6000 Fiber-Saver portable CWDM remapper/multiplexer. This new capability extends the number of uncompressed SDI signals an operator can now transport over single-mode fiber. Additionally, MultiDyne will perform live demonstrations of the company’s new SilverBACK-II with JUICE camera-mounted fiber transport system and SMPTE-HUT hybrid universal transceiver.
HD-6000 and HD-6000-ONE CWDM Multiplexer
MultiDyne’s new HD-6000 and HD-6000-ONE CWDM multiplexing solution is now available in 12- and 18-channel versions. Utilizing the powerful HD trunking solution, users can transport up to six HD-SDI signals per single-mode fiber, making it the most portable and easy-to-use platform for transmitting multiple high-bandwidth signals in harsh operating environments. Designed for OB, fixed facility link, cross-campus network, and centralized control room applications, the HD-6000 and HD-6000-ONE systems optimize transmission anywhere SDI signals need to be trunked — offering users a compact, cost-effective, multichannel solution for extending SDI transport. Leveraging the HD-6000-ONE, users can input up to six digital signals with data rates of up to 3Gb/sec. The signals are received and then retransmitted at specific CWDM wavelengths and launched into a CWDM mux. The resultant signal travels down a single fiber to the receiver unit where the SDI signals are restored. Because the signals are remapped and retransmitted, users can realize a new optical budget and increased range.
FS-6000 Fiber-Saver Portable CWDM Remapper/Multiplexer
At CCW 2012, MultiDyne will demonstrate enhancements to the FS-6000 Fiber-Saver, a portable CWDM remapper/multiplexer that transports up to six digital optical or six SDI signals over a single fiber, allowing users to transport additional signals easily in situations where there are an insufficient amount of available fibers. The FS-6000 can now transport 12 to 18 SDI signals in just a single rack unit utilizing two to three single-mode fibers, respectively. Using the FS-6000 Fiber-Saver, a user can input any digital optical signal — with a data rate of up to 4.25Gb/sec — to be received and retransmitted at a CWDM wavelength and launched into the CWDM multiplexer. At the other end of the link, the signal is then demultiplexed and restored, eliminating the need for wavelength-specific units in CWDM applications. By receiving and retransmitting the optical signal, the FS-6000 Fiber-Saver offers a fresh optical budget that can transmit signals over even longer distances. In addition, it can easily combine up to six uncompressed 3Gb/sec SDI signals onto a single fiber, ensuring a pristine signal through the use of built-in reclockers. Custom configurations such as 3×3 and 4×2 are now available.
SilverBACK-II With JUICE Camera-Mounted Fiber Transport Solution
MultiDyne will showcase its SilverBACK-II with JUICE at CCW 2012. The cost-effective, camera-mounted fiber transport solution capable of transmitting any camera signal — including HD-SDI video, audio, control data, GPIOs, tally, and power — over a single hybrid fiber and copper cable without relying on local power or batteries. Featuring an elegant, compact case measuring just over one inch thick, the SilverBACK-II with JUICE eliminates operator fatigue in the field by providing users with a lightweight, remote powering system that can be seamlessly integrated onto any camera. Ideally suited for news, sports, ENG, D-SNG, OB, and multicamera studio applications, the SilverBACK-II with JUICE can transport SDI video up to 3G HD-SDI uncompressed with embedded or separate program audio. A return video option supports up to 3G HD-SDI video for viewfinder or monitor viewing, providing a high-quality viewing experience for users in the field. In addition, the unit enables operators to achieve camera control/RCP paint functions through one of the three available data channels. An additional back channel is available for camera sync or genlock. Several options are available for optical connectivity including STs, Neutrik opticalCon, Fibreco Mini expanded beam, and Lemo 304M.
SMPTE-HUT Hybrid Universal Transceiver
On display at CCW 2012 will be MultiDyne’s SMPTE-HUT universal camera transceiver, now shipping worldwide. Designed to increase the transmission distances of HD cameras that can be distance-limited by hybrid copper/fiber cabling, this high-performance, cost-effective transport system is ideal for remote broadcasting, sports, shared control rooms, campus facilities, and arena and stadium applications. The SMPTE-HUT cost effectively enables full camera operation in even the most rugged broadcasting environments, extending transmission ranges up to 10km on just two single-mode fibers.