3net President Tom Cosgrove Addresses The Future Of 3D And 4K Broadcasting
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Forbes.com reports that while Hollywood still capitalizes on 3D blockbuster movies like Paramount Pictures’ Titanic, Sony Pictures’ The Amazing Spider-Man and Walt Disney Studios’ Brave and The Avengers, things have moved a lot slower on the 3D broadcasting front. One of the main problems with getting even early adopters to upgrade from their HD TV to a 3D HD TV has been a dearth of quality programming. There’s also been continued consumer confusion over competing 3D technologies like passive and active and the lack of an industry-wide 3D standard (although everything has been migrating to passive 3D of late).
Just recently, Hollywood studios like 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment have flooded the Blu-ray 3D TV market with releases like Avatar, Prometheus, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and I, Robot; but there hasn’t been much in the form of strong 3D content to watch on 3D networks – the few that exist.
3net, a joint venture from Sony, Discovery and IMAX, hopes to change that with the newly formed 3net Studios. The new global television program production and distribution division will have a bicoastal presence at Sony Pictures headquarters in Los Angeles, CA and Discovery Communications headquarters in Silver Spring, MD. Tom Cosgrove, President and CEO, 3net and 3net Studios, discusses the current 3D home landscape and explains how the future still looks bright for 3D programming in this exclusive interview at: