The TV Shows That Work on the Internet
Story Highlights reports that YouTube will cut at least 60 percent of its programming for next season, which means 96 of the 160 channels it created over the last year will no longer get funding from the site. Last year, YouTube began its journey to look more like a television network, doling out over $100 million to “channels” that would create “premium” shows that would attract advertisers. Now, a year later, we get to see what works on Internet TV and what doesn’t. For example: “Celebrity alone isn’t enough to drive it,” Courtney Holt told Ad Age‘s Michael Learmoth. He’s the COO of Maker Studios, which launched Tutele, Mom’s View and the coming Maker Music. “You need to have a commitment to the platform, to understand how to build your audience.” YouTube will continue giving money to the shows that were watched the most and used their budgets most effectively, YouTube Director of Content Jamie Byrn told AllThingsD’s Peter Kafka, meaning looking at Ad Age and Deadline rankings, we can get a good idea of what will make it and what won’t.