SES Launches New iPad App to Showcase Fleet and Coverage
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SES has launched a new iPad application, showcasing the SES global fleet of 52 satellites and including over 150 footprints. Now available in the App Store, the app – SES Satellites – is designed by SES to engage its customers and enable them to easily locate the satellites covering their markets.
SES Satellites is the first satellite fleet iPad application with a search tool that displays satellite coverage based on one’s location and has an augmented reality view which allows customers to easily locate the position of SES satellites by holding and pointing an iPad toward the sky. Augmented reality view is a camera view of one’s surroundings, enhanced with digital information. The iPad application also includes facts and figures of the SES satellites and high quality footprints.
“We are pleased to showcase our fleet and coverage using the capabilities of the iPad, with 3D earth navigation and an augmented reality view,” said Niclas Friese Greene, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communications, SES. “This tool illustrates the concept of satellites in space and coverage over the earth, as well as provides information that will enable our customers to learn more about our global fleet. With this new application, we are literally putting our satellite fleet in the hands of our customers.”
The SES Satellites application can be downloaded via WiFi on iPad 2 and higher versions.
SES Relies on ScheduALL for Bandwidth Bookings at U.S. Election Time
ScheduALL, the leading global provider of enterprise resource management (ERM) software for the media, broadcast and transmission industry, worked with satellite communications provider SES to ensure that television broadcasters met viewers’ demand for global news events such as the national and local elections. To keep up with OU demand, ScheduALL provided additional system resources and capabilities to SES so that their broadcast clients were able to book bandwidth in real-time.
SES, a client of ScheduALL since 2003, is a world-leading satellite communications services provider that operates across six global facilities, all of which are effected by skyrocketing demand for OU bandwidth due to the election period.
“With the run up to the elections SES saw an unprecedented demand for satellite space capacity,” said Samantha McCloskey, vice president, Global Occasional Use, SES. “We turned to ScheduALL to request further resource capability and they came through immediately.”
SES uses ScheduLINK, ScheduALL’s powerful bandwidth configuration tools to leverage available capacity across their fleet of 52 geostationary satellites and meet the growing needs of their clients.
“It is in these circumstances when we see our entire global fleet simultaneously working together that we realize the value of a truly enterprise level resource management system such as ScheduALL,” added McCloskey.