Michael Bay Talks Filming Transformers 4 With New Audio & Video Technology (video)
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TFW2005.com reports that Michael Bay has spoken to Collider on an exclusive interview at the Cinemacon regarding various new Technology he will be using for Transformers 4.
“Over the last few years, IMAX has been quietly developing a smaller digital camera with amazing resolution. And while that would be great on its own…the new camera would also shoot in 3D! However, since no one had been talking about it recently, I figured IMAX was stuck trying to get the tech to work and it’d be years before we’d see it in action. I thought wrong. Tonight on the CinemaCon red carpet for Paramount’s presentation, Michael Bay told me he’s going to be shooting the big showcase scenes in Transformers 4 with the new, smaller IMAX 3D digital camera!”
Here’s [The Collider] interview with Bay. He also revealed he won’t be shooting in 48fps, he’s excited about Dolby Atmos, and more.