1885 Graham Bell Record Resurrected by 3D Camera
Story Highlights
From Sterocopynews.com : “Hear my voice… Alexander Graham Bell.” said the inventor of the telephone more than a century in front of his cardboard and wax disc voice recorder on 15 April 1885 in Washington DC, USA. More than one century later, the badly damaged disc is unable to withstand a reading needle to play it back. But today’s technology includes high-resolution 3D cameras able to recreate a full 3-dimensional model of the original disc, and simulation software able to put the virtual disc on a virtual turntable.
Read more and hear the recording (link) at http://www.stereoscopynews.com/hotnews/3d-technology/various-a-strange-facts/3104-1885-graham-bell-record-resurrected-by-3d-camera.html
Direct link to audio file (hosted at MSNBC): http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Components/Audio/2013/120424-science-bell2.wav