CEA Study Says Seven Percent of TV Households Use Antennas – See more at: http://www.tvtechnology.com/news/0086/cea-study-says-seven-percent-of-tv-households-use-antennas-/220585#sthash.gOow8LDa.dpuf
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TVTechnology.com reports that American TV households are gradually doing away with the antenna, according to a study recently released by the Consumer Electronics Association. The most recent study found that seven percent of those households rely solely on antennas for TV reception. The CEA’s estimate stands in contrast to figures released by media analysts at GfK, publisher of The Home Technology Monitor. GfK found that 19.3 percent of American households—as many as 60 million Americans—rely exclusively on over-the-air TV. (See “Survey: 60 Million Americans Rely on Broadcast TV.”)
The CEA said its U.S. Household Television Usage Update was consistent with its own 2010 research, which showed eight percent of TV households were OTA reliant. CEA said its research demonstrated a gradual decline in the in household use of antennas since 2005. The survey is comparable to a 2012 Nielsen study that showed nine percent of U.S. TV households rely on broadcast TV/over-the-air, a decrease from 16 percent in 2003, but also slightly higher in 2012 vs. 2011. (See “Nielsen: Broadcast Reliance Grew in 2012.”)