48 Broadcast Technology Twitter Accounts To Follow
Story Highlights
TVNewsCheck.com has a list of 48 broadcast technology twitter accounts to follow. Here’s what they said about Mark:
@SchubinCafe — Mark has worked in television since the 1960s and knows what he’s talking about. His tweets take readers to his blog, Schubin Café, which is actually produced by the Sports Video Group, and tend to be about the future of television, including the latest with ultra-HD productions.
The story and individual accounts with descriptions can be found at http://www.tvnewscheck.com/playout/2013/08/48-broadcast-technology-twitter-accounts-to-follow/
The easiest way to access this list and start following these people is by visiting the official list, created by TVNewsCheck. You can either subscribe to the list, or click follow on each of the individual accounts.