TV audio: If we’re going to shrink the bezel, we need to apply engineering to more than just structural integrity
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This contributed article from James Lewis, CEO, Redux Labs on Editor’s note: I had never heard of Redux Labs before I received this interesting contributed technical article by its CEO, James Lewis. Redux has quite unique and innovative ideas about generating quality sound using bending wave technology. That will be a story and tech article for another time. I like what I see from this start-up and I am sure we will be hearing more about their interesting technology.
When it comes to a TV is it all about the look or the sound?
The TV’s aesthetics are clearly vital; indeed the success of Apple comes as much (if not more) from Sir Jonathan Ive’s stunning designs as it has from any technological advantages.
As such, the TV bezel has begun shrinking, with companies such as Samsung and LG bringing out large format TVs with very little bezel. LG’s rather beautiful LM8600 LCD TV, for example, has just a 1mm bezel.
But the story doesn’t end here as a small bezel means little space for speakers. And this means either tiny speakers, speakers embedded into the rear of the TV, or an additional sound-bar, which sits in front of the TV ruining the aesthetics they’re paying a premium for, none of which are good news for consumers.