U.S. Wireless Group Proposes TV Channel-Sharing Pilot
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ca.reuters.com reports out of Washington, DC that the U.S. wireless industry lobby is proposing a pilot project to test how two television stations could share radio frequencies, hoping the practice catches on and broadcasters free up more of the valuable airwaves to be sold in an upcoming spectrum auction.
The wireless association, CTIA, said on Tuesday it has found two stations in Los Angeles – KJLA and KLCS – interested in testing how they could send their video through the same radio frequency channel.
Known as channel sharing, the practice has been supported by the Federal Communications Commission as a way to clear up more airwaves, or spectrum, for the so-called incentive auction currently scheduled for 2015.
Read more at http://ca.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idCABREA0R1Q120140128