NBC: Olympics show wide second-screen use Read more here: http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2014/04/23/3603879/nbc-olympics-show-wide-second.html?sp=/99/602/#storylink=cpy
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The AP reports that slightly more than half of the people who watched the Sochi Olympics on NBC also used a computer, tablet or smartphone to get information about the games while the TV was on, the network said Wednesday.
NBC closely studies how Americans follow the action partly because the Olympics are a huge investment, but also to get a peek at how media habits are changing. This year’s takeaway: the multiscreen experience is rapidly taking hold and is doing so across all age groups.
“It’s not 25-year-olds who wear black and live in Williamsburg,” said Alan Wurtzel, NBC’s chief researcher. “This is America.”
NBC and its cable networks televised 541 hours of Sochi action and made all Olympic competition available online. The flood of material only increased the appetite; NBC said 49 percent of viewers said they watched more Olympics action simply because it was more available, and that number shot to nearly two-thirds among viewers aged 18 to 34.