FCC Frees Wireless Microphones From Spectrum Auctions
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TVtechnology.com reports that a new report and order protects mics and other wireless devices used by production professionals and others from interference.
After years of lobbying and cries of the possible scenarios that users of wireless microphones might not have enough spectrum after the government finishes its frequency auctions to do their job, the Federal Communications Commission has adopted new rules that expand wireless microphone license eligibility to include professional sound companies and venues that routinely use 50 or more wireless microphones.
“We conclude that this measured approach strikes an appropriate balance in providing the benefits of a license for entities and events that have a demonstrated need, while ensuring that spectrum is shared effectively with existing LPAS operations and remains available for other uses, including TV white space (TVWS) devices,” a newly released Second Report & Order states. “The actions we take in this Second Report and Order to expand license eligibility and protection are only one step to address a range of issues concerning the operation of wireless microphones.”
Read more at http://www.tvtechnology.com/news/0086/fcc-frees-wireless-microphones-from-spectrum-auctions/270741