Can Amazon help 3-D finally catch on?
Story Highlights reports that over its extensive history, 3-D entertainment has seen its share of successes and failures.
It started out small, with viewfinder-like devices that were exclusive novelty items for the wealthy. By the middle of the 20th century, 3-D was being marketed to everyone, as the movie industry tried to both capitalize on the technology and compete with television.
In recent years, 3-D has tried to invade the home, struggling to define itself as the new standard of digital entertainment. And some mobile gadgets are boasting 3-D screens as well.
It hasn’t been a smooth journey. Three-dimensional technology has disappeared and reappeared countless times, and its fitful progress has been marked with both big hits and major misses.
Now comes news that Amazon on Wednesday is expected to introduce its first phone, possibly one with a 3-D screen that doesn’t require special glasses. Will this be the next big thing in the ebb and flow that is 3-D advancement?