138th AES Convention Hits Warsaw This Week
Story Highlights
The 138th Audio Engineering Society Convention, May 7-10 at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel in Warsaw, Poland, will feature a comprehensive Technical Program specifically assembled for the AES138 Convention – the AES’s first dedicated event in Poland. The Papers and Engineering Briefs sessions showcase the work of over 100 researchers on topics ranging from 22.2 multichannel to accelerometer-based motional feedback. Workshops bring panels of experts together to discuss a range of provocative and practical topics, such as automotive sound, music production for film, and live sound. Tutorials provide an overview of important audio fundamentals for seasoned professionals and young people alike. Additionally, Special Events will offer both entertaining and thought-provoking, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to hear from industry icons.
Paper sessions will focus on a range of complex issues at the leading edge of digital audio, some of which combine more than one area of concern, such as subjective loudness of impending 22.2 multichannel-format programs, and the use of convolutional neural networks for spatial audio classification. Workshops will focus on areas of cinema sound, such as the panel of world-class film-sound mixers featuring Kacper Habisiak, Marcin Kasinski and Filip Krzemian, three of Poland’s leading cinema sound mixers, who will discuss their craft for both the professional currently doing sound for picture as well as students considering cinema sound as a career path.
Other Workshops will look into audio for games, recent developments in sound field synthesis, and a discussion about new cinema audio standards under consideration and development. Tutorials across the four days of the event will touch on topics including audio forensics, mastering the home/personal studio environment, and object-based audio for broadcast applications.
Attendees will also be able to participate in a number of Technical Tours, including visits to the Teatr Wielki Polish National Opera House, a tour of Polish National Public Radio, leading film sound post production facility Dreamsound, and the World Hearing Center.
For information on how you can get your FREE Exhibits-Plus badge and further Registration, Hotel, and Technical Program for the AES 138th International Convention in Warsaw, Poland, visit the AES138 webpage at http://www.aes.org/events/138.