Brightcove Releases Brightcove Gallery Live Event Solution
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Brightcove announced the availability of Brightcove Gallery Live Event, which provides a “live-event-in-a-box” solution for companies who want to live stream events for external and internal audiences.
Live Event is built within Brightcove Gallery, the company’s video experience publishing solution, and provides marketers and corporate communications professionals with an easy-to-use toolkit to promote and publish live streamed events without dedicated IT or other technical support. With this new release, Brightcove Gallery adds support for live events to its current capabilities to create video destinations, including video landing pages and video portals, that drive business results.
Creating a Rich, Live Video Experience
For external brand events that engage audiences or for internal events such as CEO townhalls, Brightcove Gallery Live Event provides enterprises with an easy-to-use toolkit to build a live event destination that seamlessly matches the look and feel of the owner’s web property and incorporates best practices to drive meaningful business results. The toolkit provides a set of intuitive templates to create video experiences that drive audience engagement for each stage of the live event lifecycle:
- Pre-event promotion: For the pre-event stage, marketers have features such as a countdown clock, a calendar event download, lead capture forms, and social sharing widgets to capture site visitor interest, create buzz around the event, and allow companies to promote live events before they air.
- Live event streaming: During the live video event, the destination page features the live video while supporting social widgets and chat features foster engagement and create a sense of community around the event.
- Post-event VOD: After the live stream, the post-event tools enable organizations to create video-on-demand (VOD) sites of the live event content and implement calls-to-action (CTAs) for follow up. There is also an option for site visitors to submit email addresses to subscribe to future events or notifications from the brand.