10,000 historic phonograph cylinder audio recordings hit the web for free
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Geek.com reports that over 10,000 audio recordings from over 100 years ago have recently been digitized by the University of California, Santa Barbara since they began hosting their Cylinder Audio Archive online. And for the first time, all the recordings have been made available for easy search and download to us average non-collegent Joes and Janes.
Before compact discs gave way to the age of the MP3, there was physical media: things we designed to hold audio and video recordings and allow them to be played back more than once. For about fifty years after their introduction in 1877, the most popular and plentiful way of reproducing audio recordings was the phonograph cylinder, invented by Thomas Edison.
Read more at http://www.geek.com/news/10000-historic-phonograph-cylinder-audio-recordings-hit-the-web-for-free-1639065/