Full Sail University, NEP Team Up for Multi-Day Educational Minicamp Aboard ND-1

Full Sail University and NEP recently teamed up to create a three-and-a-half-day production minicamp utilizing NBC Sunday Night Football’s cutting-edge ND1 mobile unit. The minicamp took place on the campus of Full Sail University as the NEP and NBC production crews configured the four trucks’ systems for the 2016 NBC Sunday Night Football package. FullSailPic“The reason for holding the minicamp here was a perfect storm of logistical considerations given that the trucks were here in town for a private event and, the crews needed to get the trucks configured before heading to Rio for the Olympics,” says Mark Johnson, Program Director, Show Production/Event Production, Full Sail University. “This perfect storm provided an amazing opportunity for Full Sail student to participate in the process.”

Each day student crews assisted the NEP and NBC staff in preparing the trucks. Additionally NEP and NBC allowed tours for students through the trucks providing valuable insight into the workings of a video production truck and the responsibilities of key personnel in the production.

“We have incorporated coursework in our curriculum that specifically addresses video production for sporting events,” says Johnson, “so this represented an unique opportunity for students in the Show Production program to really experience what it takes to prepare for a sporting event.”

Full Sail University also recently added EVS training and has integrated a Calrec audio console into its production facilities to provide a more focused hands on experience for the students.

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