DC Update: Healthcare Steals the Spotlight

While the Hill was buzzing this week, most of the attention was on the GOP healthcare bill, causing many of the issues that affect remote production to be placed on the backburner for the time being. However, Senate Republicans plan to vote on a bill to repeal Obamacare next week, which will allow the Senate to move on to other issues – such as the infrastructure package – if everything goes according to plan.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

On the House side, Transportation Chairman Bill Shuster unveiled his long-awaited FAA reauthorization bill on Wednesday. As anticipated, the bill proposed changes to the air traffic control system, which received strong opposition from general aviation groups. Leadership plans to vote on the bill by mid-July.

Thursday marked the 101 day countdown until DOT appropriations run out. FAA reauthorization expires in 101 days, and highway and transit policy is up for renewal in 1,197 days.

Next week, the Senate is expected to markup its version of the FAA bill, which does not include language that privatizes air traffic control. Stay tuned for next week’s D.C. Update.

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