Stay Tuned to SVG’s SportsTech@NAB Show Blog for All the Latest News From Vegas

Your source for all the latest sports-production-tech news leading up to the show

SVG and SVG Europe’s SportsTech@NAB Show Blog is in full swing, already covering more than 100 new product launches and key innovations to be introduced at the Las Vegas show. Make sure to stay tuned to the blog in the coming days for even more NAB previews leading up to the show and then live coverage from Vegas beginning on April 7.

The SVG editorial team will continue to provide unrivalled coverage of the launches and innovations as they emerge before and during the show, and onwards with post-event analysis coverage until the end of April.

SVG’s joint team of writers comprising Ken Kerschbaumer, Fergal Ringrose, Brandon Costa, Jason Dachman, Dan Daley, Kristian Hernandez, Karen Hogan, and Will Strauss will provide live coverage from the show floor. SVG Europe editor Heather McLean will be coordinating and compiling our daily round-up newsletters for the Las Vegas show.

The SportsTech@NAB Show Blog is your source for all the big product announcements, a host of original stories and “NAB Perspective” Q&A’s, and SVG On Demand video interviews with the industry’s top execs in Las Vegas. Once the show begins, in an effort to make the tidal wave of news and announcements more digestible to our readers, SVG will once again provide a daily “SportsTechBuzz at NAB” roundup. This daily rundown will provide snippets of big announcements and what is on display at more than 150 booths at the LVCC this year.

Don’t miss a minute of the NAB action, bookmark SVG’s SportsTech@NAB Show Blog today and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. And make sure to tag #SVGatNAB in all your sports-tech-related posts and Tweets throughout the show.

CLICK HERE for all the latest NAB 2019 news from SVG and SVG Europe.

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