Johannesburg’s Mosaïek Teatro Brings in Pair of DiGiCo SD5 Audio Consoles
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The Mosaïek Teatro, a large-capacity venue that forms part of the Mosaïek Church in Fairland, Johannesburg, can accommodate 2,800 people and has become a home to various productions such as Idols South Africa, The Voice finale and international performances scheduled for 2020. Mosaïek owns some of the best tech in the country, most recently investing in two DiGiCo SD5 mixing consoles with SD Racks and Waves.
“With only three SD5s in South Africa, two of which are now based at the Mosaïek, this has been an important investment for the market they are catering for,” says Kyle Robson of DWR Distribution, the DiGiCo distributors in Africa.
“DiGiCo is one of the top brands in the world, if not the most requested console on technical riders,” comments Estian Els, Head of Technical at Mosaïek Teatro. “The SD5 suites our business model very well. We chose the larger console in regards to the channel count perspective, wanting to provide a good solution to clients making use of the Teatro. In addition, support is imperative to us and we’ve always received great service from DWR.”
The Mosaïek technical team saw the benefits of the DiGiCo platform first-hand during The Voice South Africa finale hosted at their venue earlier this year, where Multi-Media supplied full technical requirements. Kyle was on the event for technical support and had the opportunity to give Estian Els and colleague Frans van der Merwe an overview of the console. A visit from DiGiCo’s Ian Staddon to the church during Mediatech sealed the deal.
“The Mosaïek in-house technical team are loving DiGiCo and the training has gone incredibly well,” says Kyle. “They’ve really caught on to it, and are loving how flexible the consoles are. The confidence has really grown amongst the team. Productions hiring the Mosaïek Teatro are going to have a great experience.”
Estian concludes, “We’ve only ever received world class service from DWR. Their love for people has been very important to us as we are also in the business of people. We are very excited. A big thanks to Kyle, who has been amazing.”