Ross Video Will Bring Ross Live | 2020 to a Close on July 14

For the past ten weeks Ross Video has been hosting Ross Live | 2020, a weekly series of presentations, podcasts and product launches designed to highlight best practices across a range of live production environments. Ross has announced that it will be bringing the season to a close on July 14.

Douglas Johnson, Product Manager for Video Servers, will be unveiling an exciting new addition to the company’s range of video server solutions which will be ideal for content creators working in both sports and live events applications. Also joining the broadcast will be CEO David Ross and Jeff Moore, Executive Vice President, to round off the season of presentations with a look at the program highlights, a preview of what is to come later in the year, and a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected Ross Video, its customers and the various events and tradeshows that the company regularly attends.

Looking back, David Ross reflects on the events surrounding the birth of the program: “With only a few short weeks between the cancellation of NAB Show 2020 and the original show dates, we had to dramatically switch gears to move our content online. It’s been a herculean effort by our Product Management teams and by Corporate Marketing to pull this program together and to run it so efficiently and professionally, and our attendee numbers have been extremely impressive over the course of the ten weeks. We’ve generated some excellent content and I know our audiences have really enjoyed it.”

Jeff Moore looks towards the future and the ‘new normal’: “During this lockdown period Ross has introduced a number of innovations designed to help content creators work from home and adapt to the situation without compromising on production value. Our latest cloud-based production platform is a prime example, enabling home-based talent and/or guests to be included in programs via a browser-based portal that features multiple MEs, a mute ‘cough’ button, configurable mix-minus audio and talkback. We all know that our post-Coronavirus world won’t be quite the same as before, but Ross is ready for the ‘new normal’ and we’re here to support our customers and help them adapt.”

For more information on the Ross Live | 2020 Season Finale, or to watch any of the previous presentations on-demand, please visit

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