SVG SportsTech On Demand: Lawo’s Phil Myers on the Power of HOME in a Decentralized Environment

While the 2021 NAB Show has been moved to October, the spring season will still feature a cavalcade of new product releases and groundbreaking news coming out of the broadcast technology sector. In an effort to keep the video-production community informed, SVG is hosting a series of SportsTech On Demand video interviews throughout April, May, and June with executives from the industry’s top technology vendors.

As broadcast media infrastructure becomes more decentralized, the importance of automatic device management and system security become even more critical. LAWO recently introduced HOME to address these challenges while also providing customers with a more agile and scalable platform which is built from the ground up with modern technologies; which by design is cloud ready. In this interview, CTO Phil Myers explains the functions of HOME, how it’s helping customers adjust to the current state of productions, why it’s important to ensure the technologies that are chosen are a good fit for the future, and more.

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