New Sponsor Spotlight: Atom Creek’s Dave Clipp on Supplying a Hyper-Converged Production Infrastructure

The Sports Video Group is excited to welcome Atom Creek as a new corporate sponsor. Created in 2008, the company is an Information Technology solutions provider that works toward meeting the needs of a variety of customers. Atom Creek specializes in three different technical categories: Systems Engineering with a focus on compute, storage, and virtualization; Network Engineering with a focus on routing, switching, and information security; and Managed Services to manage customer cloud and on-premise infrastructure via monitoring and provide end-user support and training.

In this New Sponsor Spotlight, SVG’s Ken Kerschbaumer speaks with President/CEO Dave Clipp to provide an overview of the company’s offerings, how Atom Creek is helping their clients like AT&T SportsNet, and more.

For more video interviews, visit the SVG On Demand page.

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