Join Us! Win Back Your Life 12-Step Meetings Held Tuesdays/Fridays, 10 a.m. ET on Zoom

With the sports-TV–production calendar heating up, so is the stress on those in recovery or on those who may need support. If you or someone you know is struggling, please be sure to join SVG’s Win Back Your Life 12-Step Meetings every Tuesday and Friday at 10 a.m. ET (for those of you in Phoenix for Super Bowl LVII, that means 8 a.m. MT).

The meetings provide support and community to those in (or seeking) recovery for a substance-use disorder. It’s an opportunity to begin each day in just the right way, and you can join from anywhere. All are welcome!

WHEN: Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:00 a.m. ET/7:00 a.m. PT
WHERE: CLICK HERE and enter Zoom Meeting ID 850-348-7018 and passcode 2023


  1. Visit
  2. Click on My Account in upper right
  3. On the profile page, you will see your name and then an “Edit” button to the right
  4. Click on Edit and change your display name to either your initials or AA
  5. If you have a photo, delete that temporarily
  6. If you use the Zoom application (vs. browser window), go into Zoom preferences, then settings, then video, and click “Turn off my video when joining a meeting”

Password must contain the following:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

Minimum 8 characters


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