Silver lining: Warner Bros. Discovery’s Pete Mercer explains why every use of the cloud for audio is unique

The cloud is this season’s must-have, and broadcasters are migrating many of their processes over to the cloud in a bid to reduce costs and streamline workflows. But for broadcasters, audio in the cloud is more about what it isn’t than what it is. And whatever it is, it varies enormously from broadcaster to broadcaster.

Warner Bros. Discovery has been using the cloud for longer than most. The media giant saw which way the wind was blowing back in 2016, but Pete Mercer, Warner Bros. Discovery’s senior technical manager, sports events, says that for audio at least, we are not there yet.

In theory, the cloud is a great place to be; it promises so much. It promises to give broadcasters the ability to streamline processes, the flexibility to scale up services whenever it needs to, and the opportunity to do it all while reducing capital expenditure spend.

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