Backlight’s 2024 iconik Media Stats Report Shows Demand for Cloud-Native Media Asset Management Solutions

Backlight, released its annual Media Stats Report. Now in its fifth iteration, this year’s report reveals that organizations are increasingly more reliant upon a cocktail of cloud-native solutions and hybrid cloud structures to manage their growing media archives.

“Organizations from every industry are using media more and experiencing the growing pains of silos of data that are not suited for scalability and high visibility. Having tools that can centralize those silos without the high cost of data migration provides a very dynamic and agile way for them to leverage their existing infrastructure choices across their businesses,” says Mike Szumlinski, EVP of product at Backlight. “Cloud solutions enable teams to know where to find their media assets, and more importantly, allow them to quickly access them from anywhere in the world for production. The adoption of cloud-native and hybrid structures is a trend that will continue because it allows organizations to work faster with media and get the most value from their archives.”

This year’s report solidified fundamental trends in media management that guide Backlight’s development of iconik, its media management and collaboration solution. The report revealed a 52% growth in assets that organizations are managing with iconik. As media proliferates within organizations’ everyday functions, scalable, cloud-native solutions like iconik will help drive efficiency and value for the teams producing, sharing and collaborating on it.

“As digital media continues to evolve and social media becomes more and more ingrained in everyday life, both as a form of entertainment and communication, remote workflows and hybrid solutions are more important than ever,” says Dan Morely, the lead editor/senior manager of post production for BullsTV, which creates industry-leading digital video content for online and mobile distribution by the Chicago Bulls brand. “Cloud backed tools and Media Asset Management systems are becoming increasingly valuable for quick access and distribution of our content.”

Some of the key findings from this year’s report include:

  • Hybrid cloud structures offer more agility as organizations migrate to the cloud at their own pace ~ Iconik customers store 35% of their data on-premise while 65% is stored in the cloud
  • Organizations increasingly require media management to navigate extensive content libraries  ~ Iconik data has grown to 152 petabytes, +57% YoY.
  • Demand for video and other rich media is rising  ~ Iconik manages 328 years of video (+41% YoY) and 208 years of audio (+50% YoY)
  • Broadband-only sports viewing drives the need to store more formats, versions and content ~ Sports organizations that use iconik have an average of 230k assets and 260 terabytes of data

Click here to download the full report.

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