State of the Remote-Production Business: How Facilities Providers Are Helping Broadcasters Battle the Budget Squeeze
Executives from NEP, Game Creek, Mobile TV Group, Dome Productions, Program Productions address pressing issues
Story Highlights
2024 was a strong year for the live-sports-production community. Even so, many business challenges still confront the industry’s leading remote-production–facility providers in 2025. Rising rights fees, inflation, pending tariffs, and more present major obstacles for the community to overcome.
At the 2024 SVG Summit last month, top executives from across the remote-production industry took to the stage to discuss the current state of the industry, how technology and new workflows are reshaping their services and technologies, and much more.
This conversation features:
- Mary Ellen Carlyle, SVP/GM, Dome Productions
- Robert Carzoli, Chairman, Program Productions
- Nick Garvin, CEO, Mobile TV Group
- Pat Sullivan, President, Game Creek Video
- Mike Werteen, Global President, NEP Broadcast Services
Here are some highlights from the conversation:
In live sports production, Tier 1 shows are getting bigger while other shows regularly see their budgets getting pinched. How are mobile-production–facility providers responding to this tough reality? Dome Productions SVP/GM Mary Ellen Carlyle and Program Productions Chairman Robert Carzoli offer their takes on facilities, staffing, and saving money:
As sports-broadcast professionals are asked to do more with less, the onus for developing infrastructure solutions falls to the remote-production industry. Mobile TV Group CEO Nick Garvin explains how innovation is the key to either elevating the viewing experience or saving money and how that’s his favorite part of his job:
To save money, many broadcasters are turning to at-home production workflows to reduce travel, maximize staff, and streamline gear use. Game Creek Video President Pat Sullivan shares how investing smartly in at-home production workflows has been critical to both helping clients trim budget and maintain the health of the truck business:
Many of these financial challenges facing the live-sports-production business in the U.S. are also happening globally. NEP Broadcast Services Global President Mike Werteen shares how his company is continuing to invest in making the biggest shows bigger while much of the innovation is happening at the Tier 3 and Tier 4 level:
This panel discussion was hosted at the 2024 SVG Summit on Dec. 17 and was moderated by Ken Kerschbaumer, Co-Executive Director, Editorial Services, SVG.
Watch the full discussion now on SVG PLAY:
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