Canare’s Jose Martinez on Installing Solutions at AT&T Stadium, How the Shift to IP Impacts Projects in 2025

As a supplier of high-end camera cable, patchbays, and more, Canare is striving to provide quality products to the entire sports-video-production industry. Working with numerous professional teams around the United States, the company’s most recent work was with the Dallas Cowboys at their home venue in Arlington, TX, AT&T Stadium.

In this edition of the SVG New Sponsor Spotlight, Canare’s Customer & Technical Support Manager Jose Martinez breaks down the process of working with the NFL club and the services that were included in the building and how the shift towards SMPTE 2110-flavored control rooms is changing the way that they go about their business.

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To introduce yourself to more of SVG’s newest sponsors, watch the SVG New Sponsor Spotlight series on SVG PLAY.

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