2021 SVG Remote Production Workflows Forum

Day 2 Program (5/13/21)

(All times are in Eastern Time Zone)


2:00 – 2:15 p.m.: Keynote: Fox Sports Vault Update: Workflows for MLB and NASCAR
The Fox Sports Vault facility has become a core part of the sports production process during the COVID-19 pandemic and now it is in use for a second MLB and NASCAR season. Learn how the Vault workflows continue to evolve, what they mean for the Fox Sports production teams, and more.
Moderator: Ken Kerschbaumer, SVG, Co-Executive Director, Editorial
Featuring: Kevin Callahan
, Fox Sports, VP, Field Operations and Engineering

2:15 – 3:00 p.m.: It’s About Team Work: Best Practices and Technologies for Decentralized Productions
Decentralization is one of the big trends in remote sports production, whether it is decentralizing a single team into multiple locations or even the technical infrastructure from control surfaces and operators. Learn about how to effectively decentralize your operations, key tools that can make a difference, and more.
Moderator: Brandon Costa, SVG, Director of Digital
Michael Cronk
, Grass Valley, VP, Advanced Technology
Sarita Meinking
, Fox Sports, Director, Field Operations
Phil Myers, Lawo, CTO
Andy Rayner, Nevion, Chief Technologist
Marcus Schioler, Haivision, VP of Product Marketing

3:00 – 3:15 p.m.: Haivision Case Study: How NEP Group Powers Remote Replay Workflows with Haivision and EVS
This case study presentation takes a close look at how NEP Group uses a certified workflow with EVS replay and highlight solutions, Haivision video streaming technologies, and the open source SRT protocol to enable remote replay operation with low-latency, high-quality video. The session will explore the world of remote operations in live sports broadcasting and how new technologies help stream high-quality, low-latency, live video to replay operators anywhere.
Presenter: Marcus Schioler, Haivision, VP of Product Marketing

3:15 – 4:00 p.m.: Tech Focus: Remote Replay, Post-Production, and Graphics Workflows
Capturing a live image is only part of the storytelling process in sports. Instant replay, editing systems, and graphics systems that allow for quick turnaround for bumpers, teases, and halftime highlights play a crucial part in bringing greater understanding and increasing the emotional impact of an event. Leaders in replay, editing, and graphics workflows discuss their tools and new features and capabilities.
Moderator: Kristian Hernandez, SVG, Associate Editor and Social Media Manager
Jeff Gouch
, EVS, SVP, The Americas
Karl Kathuria
, Never.No, Customer Solutions Director
Steve McKenna, Studio Network Solutions (SNS), Director
Andrew Schenk, MPE, Account Executive

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: Live Q&A

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