Recent Posts tagged with 2d glasses

2D (not 3D) Glasses

We’ve all heard about 3D glasses.  There are so many varieties that Rainbow Symphony offers so-called “Ultimate 3D Glasses” (shown here).  They work with many, but by no means all, […]  More

Even more on 2D glasses

Rafe Needleman writes of his stereo blindness in cnet news and of watching Avatar in a 2D auditorium: But, at home, where some viewers might want 3D and others […]  More

More 2D Glasses

Besides yesterday’s article in the UK Telegraph, today’s New York Daily News has a similar story:  More

Anyone for 2D Glasses?

Today’s UK Telegraph has a story headlined: “Do 3D films make you sick? It’s not a piece suggesting that 3D makes everyone sick, but it points out that some individuals, […]  More

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