The 'Look' of HFR (HPA, Feb. 18, 2013)
The ‘Look’ of HFR (Supplement to the 2013 HPA Charles Poynton Seminar) HPA, February 18, 2013 Video (12:20 TRT) The ‘Look’ of HFR (1536×864, mp4) Embed (540×304): More
The ‘Look’ of HFR (Supplement to the 2013 HPA Charles Poynton Seminar) HPA, February 18, 2013 Video (12:20 TRT) The ‘Look’ of HFR (1536×864, mp4) Embed (540×304): More
Shooting stereoscopic 3D has involved many parameters: magnification, interaxial distance, toe-in angle (which can be zero), image-sensor-to-lens-axis shift, etc. To all of those, must we now also consider shutter angle […] More
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