RingSide Creative Enhances Online Operations with Quantel Pablo Rio
Story Highlights
Michigan-based integrated media studio, RingSide Creative, has purchased three Quantel Pablo Rio systems to speed throughput and enhance creativity of its online color correction and finishing. RingSide Creative is predominantly a commercials post house, offering a comprehensive collection of services and talent, combining youth, inspiration, and extensive experience to local and international clients including Ford, Chrysler, and Chevrolet.
Senior Colorist at RingSide Creative, Rick Unger, said, “Intuitive is an overused word in the post world, but with Pablo Rio it is the truth. Consider that Pablo Rio has all its tools on one page; color, titling, effects and a full blown editor that can even handle floating clips on the GUI, as well as the timeline. Speed is Pablo Rio’s strong point, playing out a 4K sequence with layers of color grading in real time. Working in a wide variety of resolutions on the timeline is easy with Pablo Rio. Color grading to a project that was conformed in Quantel is a huge plus.”
Jeff Fleck, Senior Editor at RingSide, added, “We have two Pablo Rios that focus on color correction of spots, web videos and independent films; and a third Pablo Rio, which is dedicated to our finish group. All three systems, along with our Quantel iQ, collect data and work together seamlessly to share responsibilities on a wide range of projects. Quantel has always built high quality solutions which have adjusted appropriately to meet changing technical demands. We feel that their transition to a Windows based system has provided great flexibility to deal with what has become a very open ‘free-for-all’ software driven post environment.”
Quantel Marketing Director, Steve Owen, said, “Quantel and RingSide Creative have a very special relationship. RingSide’s fantastic team has worked closely with the Quantel engineers to provide valuable feedback on Pablo Rio – they help make Pablo Rio the success it is today.”