New technology makes 3D fit the viewer
Story Highlights reports that for 16 years, Stephen Blumenthal owned Gallagher Home Electronics in Ithaca, N.Y., that region’s largest independent electronic sales and service company.
After selling the business in 2005, he began working with physics and optics experts at Cornell University. Over the last 16 years, he has become a successful inventor.
In 2013, he obtained a U.S. patent on a three-dimensional television technology that viewers can use without wearing special glasses and that they can adjust for their own comfort and space. He is the founder and chief executive officer of Rembrandt 3D, a company based in Ithaca.
Ken Love, a local filmmaker who documented the last days of pressmen working at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Downtown building, will show “Letterpress RIP” on Rembrandt 3D televisions Saturday at 1 p.m. on the main floor of Carnegie Library’s main branch in Oakland. Mr. Blumenthal’s company is providing the television screens for the premiere. The company also provided hundreds of hours of in-kind services so the film could be made.
“My orientation has always been the scientific standards for broadcast quality,” Mr. Blumenthal said in a telephone interview. He invented 3DFusion technology. He also is credited with inventing the first dedicated 3D stereoscopic video microscope and the first high magnification stereoscopic 3D microscope.