The SVG Podcast: NBC Sunday Night Football Director Drew Esocoff and Producer Fred Gaudelli

What fun, new production tools do this dynamic duo think have staying power?

In the world of sports television production, the technology enhancements that tend to grab the most headlines are the fun tech toys that are weaved into a live show: high-end graphics, advanced graphics, dynamic replays.

From mirrorless cameras, wired-aerial cameras, and drones to 4K, 8K, and HDR, what tools and toys and adding to the broadcast and what’s a fad? We chew on that topic with one of the most decorated producer-director tandems in the history of sports television. NBC Sunday Night Football director Drew Esocoff and producer Fred Gaudelli have 39 Sports Emmys between them and have worked together for more than two decades. They share their thoughts on the industry in this interview with SVG’s Executive Director, Editorial Services Ken Kerschbaumer.

This episode of The SVG Podcast is sponsored by Fujifilm Fujinon. Today, 4K demands a higher dimension of performance. And Fujinon’s latest 4K HDR broadcast lenses meet the challenge. The new UA46x and UA125x 4K HDR lenses extend the limits of high resolution, high contrast, and deliver dramatic high dynamic range. Fujinon’s cutting-edge optical technology presents the next standard in optical performance — image quality that exceeds the high expectations of imaging professionals. Contact your Fujinon rep. and ask for a demo. Visit the company online at

The SVG Podcast is for the sports-video–production professional looking to keep up with the latest in sports-video–production operations and technology. The program features interviews with some of the biggest, most influential names in the sports-video business talking trends and topics that are making an impact on the industry.

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