New Sponsor Spotlight: Comprimato’s Jiří Matela on Powering JPEG2000 Video Compression with GPU’s

The 10-year-old company is one of SVG's newest corporate sponsors

In a crowded market of video encoders, Comprimato stands out through its innovative leveraging of GPU’s for JPEG2000 video compression. The Sports Video Group is excited to welcome Comprimato aboard as a new corporate sponsor.

In this SVG New Sponsor Spoitlight, Comprimato’s CEO and co-founder Jiří Matela stops by to outline the company’s software-based solutions for professional live video encoding, transcoding, and J2K processing, as well as to share some of the new work the company has been involved in.

To introduce yourself to more of SVG’s newest sponsors, watch the SVG New Sponsor Spotlight series at SVG’s YouTube Channel.

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