TiVo Founders Launch $49 Internet Video Streaming Device Named QPlay [VIDEO]
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DesignTrend.com reports that from the founders of TiVo, Mike Ramsay and Jim Barton, comes a new video streaming box named Qplay. The Qplay sets itself apart from the many other devices on the market by allowing viewers to personalize what they choose to stream by selecting videos from the internet.
“With TiVo, Jim and I focused on creating a great consumer experience that put the viewer in control of the video they watched. We’re applying the same focus to Internet video with Qplay and are creating a new kind of consumer experience that exploits the full potential of the Internet to give users a unique way to control their video entertainment,” CEO Mike Ramsay said.
The device is reliant on cloud technology and requires the company’s app to be on an iPad which functions as the device’s remote control. The streams are called “Qs” in the device, seemingly a play on the word “queue.”
“It transforms short-form video into a long-form experience,” Ramsay said.
Streams can be played on the television or viewed directly on the iPad. Since it is cloud-based, the streams can continue if the iPad is turned off.