MPEG-H 3D Audio Extended to Lower Bit Rates
Story Highlights reports that at its 109th meeting, MPEG has selected technology for Version II of the MPEG-H 3D Audio standard (ISO/IEC 23008-3) based on responses submitted to the Call for Proposals issued in January 2013. This follows from selection of Version I technology, which was chosen at the 105th meeting, in August 2013. While Version I technology was evaluated for bitrates between 1.2 Mb/s to 256 kb/s, Version II technology is focused on bitrates between 128 kb/s to 48 kb/s. [LC: we should say what 1.2 Mbit/s and 46 kbit/s are for]
The selected technology supports content in multiple formats: channel-based, channels and objects (C+O), and scene-based Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA). A total of six submissions were reviewed: three for coding C+O content and three for coding HOA content.
The selected technologies for Version II were shown to be within the framework of the unified Version I technology.