Silver Spurs Arena Taps Daktronics To Improve Visual Experience
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Silver Spurs Arena of Kissimmee, FL, turned to Daktronics to improve the overall visual experience for event attendees with a new rectangle-shaped centerhung display system. The four-display centerhung and accompanying four ribbon displays were installed this fall.
SMG/Osceola Heritage Park General Manager Robb Larson comments, “We are excited to have this state-of-the-art addition in our facility. It will increase the show options for our clients, elevate the fan experience and provide dynamic marketing opportunities for us.”
The two main displays facing the sidelines of the arena and forming the long sides of the rectangle-shaped centherhung configuration each measure more than 8 feet high by 30 feet wide. The two displays facing the ends of the arena each measure more than 8 feet high by 14.5 feet wide.
These four video displays all feature 10 millimeter line spacing to show clear, detailed imagery with wide angle visibility to appeal to every seat in the arena. They also incorporate variable content zoning which allows them to show one large image on each display or for each display to be sectioned into multiple widows to show any combination of live video, instant replay, up-to-the-minute statistics, graphics, and animations, and sponsorship content.
Around the seating area, four ribbon displays were installed along the seating fascia to provide supplemental information to the main displays as well as providing the capability to highlight sponsors throughout events. Two ribbon displays measure nearly 3 feet by 19.5 feet wide and two ribbon displays measure nearly 3 feet high by 82 feet wide. These four ribbon displays all feature 15 millimeter line spacing.
“We are very excited to be part of the dedicated team that worked so diligently to make this project a reality,” says Mike Kempany, Daktronics sales representative. “The new 4-sided Daktronics center-hung video display and end-to-end ribbon displays provide a fresh and exciting look for this great Osceola County venue. The fan experience will be at an all-time high and the addition of the new amenities will help attract even more talent and events to Osceola Heritage Park. From rodeo to performing arts, Silver Spurs Arena now has the latest technology to host those events in world class fashion.”
In addition to the equipment installation, Silver Spurs Arena will also receive creative digital content to be produced and delivered by Daktronics Creative Services. This content will consist of any mixture of sponsorship messages, crowd prompts, video features and venue announcements.
Daktronics LED video and messaging display technology offers a long lifetime with consistent, industry-leading performance and low power consumption, providing value and excitement for years to come.