SVG Welcomes Calhoun Satellite Communications, Saunders Electric as Mobile Sponsors

The Sports Video Group is pleased to welcome Calhoun Satellite Communications and Saunders Electric as mobile/integrator sponsors. Founded in 1986, Calhoun is the oldest, continuous, transportable-earth-station provider in the U.S. Saunders Electric has been providing reliable portable power for live broadcasts and Hollywood productions since 1952.

Calhoun has grown significantly throughout the years, maintaining the highest level of customer service and attention to detail. The company’s inventory includes two dual-dish C/Ku-band trucks, three Ku-band trucks, and one C-band and one Ku-band trailer. Its trucks are housed between Miami and Pittsburgh, giving easy access to a wide geographic area throughout North America.

As a gateway to the Caribbean, Calhoun has floated trucks to many island locations as needed. Specializing in high-profile special events, the company’s mobile units can be seen at major sports and news events throughout the country.

Saunders ElectricSaunders Electric provides high-quality power service to the entertainment industry. It has developed a reputation for its pursuit of excellence and its goal to be the highest-quality power company on a daily basis.

The company was awarded a Technical Emmy for development of the synchronous power system. Family-owned and -operated, Saunders Electric is a leader in energy-saving systems and is an alternative-energy partner with Sandia National Laboratories.

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